"Kissing the War Goodbye", by Victor Jorgensen:

A "short guy" known to many as Eisie voiced to Ken, "Young man, go over and grab and kiss the first girl out of the subway and I will make you famous."
Ken reflected in a recent interview with Chris' Old Life Magazines, "Two nurses were coming up out of the subway hand in hand laughing. I grabbed the first one who was quite unaware and said, "Let's kiss." The woman, later to be found to be Edith Shain replied with a simple, "OH!" "She didn't know me and was astounded," relayed Mr. McNeel. "Her legs were crossed and her arms were at her side. Flashes were going off everywhere from all of the cameras. I just closed my eyes and got such a grip!"
"Later I talked to her and she said, 'I just sort of laid back and surrendered.' After we kissed her girlfriend said, 'Let's go.' We walked off in different directions and met all sorts of girls and had free drinks. I never thought about it again until I later saw the picture and said, 'That's me!'"
When asked if Mr. McNeel knew that there was a search years ago for the kissing sailor to come forward, he responded that he did know. Why then did he not come forward? "Frankly," responded Mr. McNeel, "I was embarrassed. That was not acceptable behavior and I was a member of a church group back then. It just wasn't appropriate."
The fragment above is not the beginning, nor the end of Ken McNeel's story. It is simply a small fraction of a life that began in 1923 and is not yet complete on this date in 2005.
More will be revealed as we complete our interviews.
Alfred Eisenstaedt had no idea at the time he shot the photograph of the "kiss seen around the world" that one of his main subjects was also a photographer and soon to be Hollywood celebrity.
Please join us as we continue our interviews with the real Kissing Sailor.

Even though there are real facts about his salor, many other men had indentified themselfs as "the kisser". But WHO CARES! the importance of this photograph is not the real pleople, becuase it is a representation of "happiness after war", of love: GLOBAL LOVE. Here is a descriptive essay about this famous and beautiful picture:
It was a cloudy summer day. Even though it was not a shiny sun in the sky, Time Square, with its big and imposing advertisings full of colors and sizes, was the perfect place. People showed their happy faces, smiles all over the street, anything else was not important when kissing and hugging transformed into the main environment. Running, photographers shoot their cameras, clicking their flashes like glow worms, capturing moments of joy, giving hope after sadness and war. Great city that doesn’t sleep was the place where hundreds maybe thousands of feelings and faces were mixed up and brought instants, moments that last for ever. Men with blue dresses covered in war clothes were wearing it full of pride. They’re so happy because they know that their sacrifices, their devotion has worth it and that it was not in vane. Their navy hat is white, but this color didn’t symbolize peace, but fight. A fight of millions against millions that trusted in an ideal, but they had lost the real reason for their brawl, for their battle; they had lost all real reasons of war. Great news were heard that day by hearts fool of faith and hope, this horrible and never-ending war was coming to an end.
Winning means happiness means also pride and one of these souls, just another brave man lost in the crowd feels as anybody else. His hands shivered, his feet were trembling, it was joy in his American face. He felt like kissing, after pain and death kissing means hope, it means a new beginning. He found someone; after all in that moment someone meant everyone, a person represented the rest. The minute it was just the kiss, what this sailor wanted; the greatest feeling of love invaded his soul. He found this woman, beautiful as anyone else and happy as everyone. He held her in his hands; made her lay in his arms, resting this woman for just a reason the best reason of all. An eternal kiss, their lips met, and the wind blew, the time stopped in that moment in which to strangers found themselves, just an instant for a sailor and a nurse to bring love again in war times. He apprehended her tiredly and close to him. His punches were closed and all his body was tense. He wanted her to stay with him forever just because she brought the kiss, that kiss that clear everything up, that changed things. This woman dressed in peace, glided in the crowd. White dress, white hat, white shoes she was always prepared for her job helping and healing others. She was not fighting she was doing something better. When war finished, she was full of bliss. This sailor that took her in his arms and kissed her to remind love, made her slide and fall. She couldn’t even breathe. Her body was completely arched and the position was not comfortable at all, but it was also this that made this instant so unique. She closed her eyes to feel that instant and she could remind it forever. Happiness, love, peace and hope made her tied her wrist really hard. While her body was resting without any stress, she concentrated her feelings and emotions in her fingers. Her body and his body stayed in the same position for a while, staying together as they were just one.
People were walking through the big avenue of Time Square, but suddenly they observed, this picture of love grabbed their attention making them look the way two souls met in that extremely perfect moment, in the just right time and place. This kiss, this sailor, this nurse, everything was so neat and pure that was simply caught by a click, just that. A man trapping moments, trapping hugs and kisses. But this one represent all the kisses, the smiles and the feelings of that day, that afternoon in which people said goodbye to war; with a perfect kiss. BY: CAMILA RODAS
2 comentarios:
I love this part of the Blog. Who would think that behind this lovely picture would be a such interesting history of love in war.! LOVE IT... att: your dad
i like too much the displaing of the pictures and the contenct is very interesting.
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