"Rasing Flag in Iwo Jima" by: Joe Rosenthal
"Rasing Flag in Iwo Jima" by: Joe Rosenthal

On February 23, 1945, during the battle for Iwo Jima, U.S. Marines raised a flag atop Mount Suribachi. It was taken down, and a second flag was raised. Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal captured this second flag-raising. (80-G-413998)This picture is consider one of the most important war photopraphs for the American History.
It became a symbol of the Iwo Jima war, capturing the new raising of their flag in one of the most important battles of the twenieth century. Iwo Jima was the largest armada invasion up to that time in the Pacific War. With more than 110,000 Marines in 880 Ships, the convoy of 880 US Ships sailed from Hawaii to Iwo in 40 days (February 19, 1945 – March 26, 1945). After the invasion, the Japanese army was defeated by the lack of water and food, and the inminet attack of the americans.Many history analizers thinks that the Iwo Jima war was crucial in the developing of the II World War, finding it as the trigger of later facts.

Before the rasing of this flag, the americans had already tried to put their symbol in a mount. This was the first flag, raised 5 days before. ThePhotograpghor the moment itself were not famous because it was very small for representing a big cause, and because the photographer, called Louis R. Lowery was not a professional, but a simple US seargent that took the photo for personl reasons.

Later, Joe Rosenthal, who worked for the Associeted Press, was the person that took this important picture that transformed the way the Battle of Iwo Jima was seen by the americans. After the photograph was taken, Rosenthal reproduced it, and in less taht 17 hours, the picture was already in the most important journeys of the time. Also, the picture was chosen by the president Roosevelt as the picture for the seventieth bonous campagin poster. This make it very popular, and famous.
4 comentarios:
tonestI consider that this post, being the first one in the blog, is a very good introduction to the topic of the American History trough photography. The picture of the american soilders raising tha flag from the battle of Iwo Jima is relevant for the blog, since it really show the history of the cuntry and is worldwhide known; it is an icon, so it is the best way to start the research. I would also like, appart from the history of the famous photographies, to read about the different techniques of photography.
It is a very interesting view of the facts and more important, a very interesting view of the pictures. It is also very Interesting how, from pictures, history can be understood and showed from very differenet ways and perspectives. I would consider very interesting to read a little more about the photgrapher him self.
It is very interesting to see how US history is reflected through photography. Most of the times, people doesn´t relate these two topics but it is wonderful hoe these pctires (and every single photography) has a story hide inside them. It is brilliant how the photographers can shoe history with their work to give different points of view to the society and make their pictures controversial.
I like the idea because is innovatine, original and unique. I've never seen some recopilation of information supported by images, which is great.
It shows a different perspective of facts and shows that its full of creativity.
I love it!
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